Photo's and text by Matt Twyman
Design courtesy of

i actually saw nature, REAL NATURE, in motion the other day. we were bouldering at mckinney falls and peops had gone to do there stuff during midday, so i was alone for about an hour.

we had seen this bull snake that was about a meter long cruisin around earlier. so while i was chillin and play'n some geetar, i see this fellah trying to reach up about a foot and a half off the ground to get at daddy long legs on the roof of the cliffband. that was cool... it would reach up, straight up, as high as he could and then fall back down. he did this for about 20 minutes.

he then mosseyed off to the tree to the right of the prow and began to climb it. i guess he smelled a butterfly up about 12 feet! so i went around to take pics from above. it was nuts to see him wrapping himself around to get up there. well he got about 3 inches away and then the butterfly figured what was up and flew off. this seemingly bummed him out, so he glided back down to the ground to go get some more spiders.

however, in a hueco, was a nest full of 3 or 4 chicks. Andrew had seen them the other day. cute buggers, squackin away, wantin food and all. they made sure not to touch them or nothin. well this dude figured it out.i was damn impressed. the nest was too high for him to reach so he 'stood' up to a hueco to the left, which was damn high for him (i'd say about 80% of his body was in the air) and then traversed over to the nest.

at first i wanted it to stop and tried to do so. so i scurry down from the top and as i get there i see him wrapped around all the little'ns. he sat there for a good few minutes and then gobbled em all up. ma and pa showed up, ready to feed their kids and found em in the belly of the snake, who was perched in their home. it was so sad. but i found it damn intriguing!

he eventually descended and wondered over to a bush to devour his meal. i got lots of pics of the whole thing. felt like i was in damn national geographic.

I've just learned the bullsnake is not a bullsnake, but a texas rat snake. oops.

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